Лимит классов TF2
Описание:Плагин будет блокировать тех кто пытается изменить класс с ограничениями,лимиты можно поменять в
MaxClass.txtУстановка: Закинуть
MaxClass.smx в папку
MaxClass.txt в папку
tf\addons\sourcemod\configsНастройки: sm_maxclass_allow (default: 1) - Вкл/Выкл плагин
sm_maxclass_exclude_admins (default: 0) - Иммунитет администраторам
sm_maxclass_count_admins (default: 0) - Вкл/Выкл admins counting towards class limits
sm_maxclass_config (default: MaxClass.txt) - файл конфига
October 31, 2007
Initial release
November 6, 2007
Fixed, client not in game, bug
November 12, 2007
Fixed format errors
Fixed spelling errors
No more need for TF2Tools
November 24, 2007
Added per team support
Fixed problem of changing to the same class
Fixed bug of no reading KV (v2.1)
December 29, 2007
Fixed for new TF2 update
August 19, 2008
Made the naris version official
Fixed bug on naris plugin
4.0 (-=|JFH|=-Naris (Murray Wilson))
Use tf2_stocks
Pick random class to switch to
Use ConVars for admin settings
Display class selection menu when switching
4.3 (cadavor)
Add translations
4.4 (JameLess)
Fixed skin glitching
4.5 (Thraka)
Added the ability to load settings based on the prefix of the map. Example: pl is payload, cp is capture point.
Logs which section of the config is loading the settings.
4.6 (Thraka)
Added the NO! class sounds when player chooses a class that is full. This was pulled from DJ Tsunami's class restriction plugin
4.7 (Thraka & Jameless)
Request from snelvuur - Added the sm_maxclass_allow_adminsdeadclass cvar. If set to 0, this will not let admins play restricted classes
4.8 (Jameless)
Added the sm_maxclass_admin_flag cvar. This will allow you to change what flag is immune.
Оригинал -
MaxClass.rar [15,96 Kb] (cкачиваний: 422)