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Chat Logger v2.1a

Добавил: TAMEP|10 мар 2011|Просмотров: 1 769|Комментариев: 1
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Chat Logger v2.1a

Плагин позволяет записывать все разговоры на сервере в html-файл

Сохраняет лог чата:
say, say_team, amx_say, amx_chat, amx_psay, amx_csay, amx_tsay
say @(@@|@@@)
say_team @
to the amxxdir\logs\filename.htm

cl_logmode 0 | 1 по умолчанию 1
0 : Сохраняет все в один файл ChatLog, и все сообщения в один html файл.
1 :имя файла - XXXX.XX.XX, Xs по дате, создает каждый день новый html файл.

Закидываем chat_logger.amxx в amxmodx/plugins
Закидываем chat_logger.sma в amxmodx/scripting
Вписываем строчку в amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini - chat_logger.amxx.
Обязательно над adminchat.amxx! (если такой установлен).

; Chat / Messages
chat_logger.amxx ; log chat messages by jim
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
;scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
;imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

Пример логов (exactly):
22:55:46 *DEAD*.:|:. : hello
22:55:51 .:|:. : hello
22:55:54 (Terrorist) .:|:. : hello
22:55:59 .:|:. : hello
22:56:01 (Counter-Terrorist) .:|:. : hello
22:56:13 *SPEC*.:|:. : hello
22:56:21 *DEAD*(Terrorist) .:|:. : hello
22:56:23 *DEAD*.:|:. : hello
22:56:30 (Good Luck!) .:|:. : hello
22:56:46 (HUDCHAT) .:|:. : hello
22:56:50 (HUDCENTER) .:|:. : hello
22:56:55 (HUDBOTTOM) .:|:. : hello
22:57:04 (ALL) .:|:. : hello
22:57:11 (ADMINS) .:|:. : hello
22:57:17 (ADMIN) .:|:. : hello
16:17:20 (PLAYER) .:|:. : hello

Пример логов (cutline):
*DEAD*.:|:. unsigned team cmd: say
*SPEC*.:|:. spectator cmd: say or say_team
.:|:. terrorist alive cmd: say
(Terrorist) .:|:. terrorist alive cmd: say_team
(Good Luck!) .:|:. admin cmd: amx_psay "Good Luck!" is the listener.
(HUDCHAT) .:|:. admin cmd: amx_tsay or say @
(HUDCENTER) .:|:. admin cmd: amx_csay or say @@
(HUDBOTTOM) .:|:. admin cmd: say @@@
(ALL) .:|:. admin cmd: amx_say
(ADMINS) .:|:. admin cmd: amx_chat
(ADMIN) .:|:. player(is admin) cmd: say_team @
(PLAYER) .:|:. player cmd: say_team @

change log:
1.0 [2006-10-24]
- simple say, say_team log
1.1 [2006-10-25]
- add amx_say, amx_chat, amx_psay, amx_tsay, amx_csay log
- add say @(@@|@@@), say_team @ log
- htm page title change to "Chat Logger - XXXX.XX.XX" X is the date
- fix spelling error
1.2 [2006-10-28]
- add ip address log, format is
XX:XX:XX (team or user attribute) name : chat messages
1.3 [2006-10-29]
- add cvar cl_logmode, if set to 0, htm page title is "Chat Logger", format is
XXXX.XX.XX - XX:XX:XX (team or user attribute) name : chat messages
1.4 [2006-10-31]
- remove '@' symbol
- fix amx_psay concept error
1.5 [2006-11-01]
- fix a small bug when the say text contain html statement.
1.6 [2006-11-03]
- fix a bug when player's name contain html statement.
- not log chat messages of bots
- add simple instruction in the source code
1.7 [2006-11-06]
- tiny improvement on CheckPlayerName()
- change color code to color name
- add a title in the page
1.8 [2006-11-07]
- clean some code
1.9 [2006-11-08]
- fix bugs and optimize.
2.0 [2006-11-12]
- use function cs_get_user_team instead of get_user_team
- set font "Verdana" size 2
- optimize
2.1 [2006-11-20]
- fix a bug that if adminchat is not running , it still logs.
- fix a bug that "say_team @" command didn't check if the speaker is admin.
- fix the "say @" command log to make it same as adminchat ways.
2.1a [2006-12-01]
- add check if user is connected, fix run time error 10 ?

chat_logger.rar [11,86 Kb] (cкачиваний: 377)

Теги: Amxmodx amxx plugins

Категория: Плагины Cs 1.6
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№ 1 Написал: Jonta
10 марта 2011 22:24
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  • Должность: Юзер
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  • E-mail: jonta_cs_kz@mail.ru
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